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Karli Ehl: Brandon Bridgefarmer; Chestnut Mountain Church Student Ministry

Art is always evolving and can take a multitude of different forms. I have come to realize this as I take on different roles daily in the field of ministry. In the world today, everything is evolving, even church and how ministry leaders decide to take this can heavily affect the outcome of the congregation. Graphic design is apart of this ever evolving technology, and I have been able to gain further knowledge on this field through many different forms of non-profit advertising, social media, and concepts as simple as sermon series graphic art. The idea that I wanted to conquer through this process was the simple yet wide reaching question of, what career fields can you actually enter with a graphic design major? Much of the world as stated before is based on technology, every business will always need advertising, and ways to reach people, innovative, creative, new. Graphic design careers have proved to fulfill those three aspects, as this employment field is always evolving and solely focused on advancement in society and business. The types of careers that you can attain through this major multiply yearly, and how people use their talents in these aspects exemplify the idea of turning a passion into a lifetime of work. The career that is held in my future may still be merely an idea or work in translation because as much as the business world, society, and even churches are evolving, graphic design is keeping up.


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